It was a 3 in 1 party !
1. To celebrate the belated Christmas 2009 ;
2. To welcome the arrival of 2010 ;
3. To celebrate the birthday of both YeoHC & HengLS.

The delicious stuff contributed by Winnie Gan.
The fruit salad prepared by Mabel & LS.
The most-missed favourite by all ex-USL ---- Turkey Gambo.
The look good & taste good BBQ chicken wings contributed by Utah Pang.
Refer to first photo.......
The many-flavoured kuih lapis was contributed by Winnie Gan.
The delicious Ang-Ku-Kuih were home-made by Ong-Ku's wife.
The yummy-yummy sago mixed-with-the original-gula-Melacca was contributed
by Michelle & Affendi.
This turkey was roasted with original Cajun spices, contributed by Mabel Lee and
prepared by HengLS & Mabel Lee.