Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Beignets - A French Doughnut
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ho Ho Ho !!!
To All Ex-EastMainer , Ex-USL Cajun &
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year !

Singapore Celebrates Christmas 2008 .......

posted by : @,,,,@ BL
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The song that Santa sings for 2008 X'mas !
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession 's coming to town.
It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession 's coming to town
It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession 's coming to town!
Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession 's coming to town!
posted by : @,,,,@ BL
The 3 Wishes.
賴建誠 表示,這篇「人生三願」在多年前曾發表在報紙副刊上,原本只是一時的誤打誤撞,卻意外地在網路上不斷傳閱轉寄,還衍伸了不同版本。甚至有大陸民眾改寫成另一篇人生三願,還輾轉寄回自己的信箱。儘管已經是11年前的往事,但如今仍有不少人看到他就問,現在小學二年級兒子的家庭作業寫得如何?
人生三願的原文重現 清大教授賴建誠今年6月建置了自己的部落格,陸續把過去發表的文章貼在網路上,也讓被網友多次改寫的「人生三願」,重新還原全貌。
原文如下: 我兒子讀國小二年級上學期末時,老師給了一項作業,要他們當小記者訪問爸爸。共有六個問題,有一大半是資料性的:在哪裡工作?負責哪一方面的事等等,其中的第5題是「爸爸的夢想是什麼?怎麼實現?」
「第一個願望是吃得下飯」。 他愣了一下,認為我在開玩笑,很鄭重地表示這項作業的分數,是其他作業成績的三倍,所以不能隨便。我說你是記者,人家怎麼說你就怎麼寫,既然不相信就不要訪問好了。他無奈地寫下「第1個願望是吃得下飯」。
「第二個願望是睡得著覺」。 他這下著急了,「別人的願望都是要當科學家或是做重要的事情,你的願望連小孩子都會,你是不是想害我被老師處罰?」我又重複先前的說法:不相信就不要訪問。他急得跑去廚房向媽媽哭訴,她也同意說記者就是記錄者,不能要求受訪問者如何回答。他擦乾眼淚寫完這句之後,抬起頭失望地看著我。
「第三個願望是笑得出來」。 這下子他失去控制了,
他覺得有道理,憤恨之下很快地寫了一篇沒分段的作文,我除了把注音改為國字之外,照抄如下: 「我每次重要的問題要問我爸爸的時候,他都想騙我,可是我跟他說:這是很重要的問題,他還是繼續開玩笑,我跟他說:這可是分數最高的作業,所以我爸爸做什麼事都是隨隨便便的,每次一回家,鞋子也不脫,就看電視,而且都看摔角、相撲,都是一些無聊的電視。所以這個爸爸還要嗎?雖然他有很多缺點,但是他還是很疼我呀!我爸爸很奇怪,一下子罵人,一下子又對你好。可能我是他兒子吧!也可能是他腦筋有問題吧!老師,妳覺得呢?」
「那你現在瞭解我不會害自己的兒子了吧?」 他點點頭,可是還不能明白為什麼他老師把〈我眼中的爸爸〉拿去參加作文比賽,得到入選獎,對功課課平平的他,這是一大驚奇。
Chinese --> English ( Very Simplified Version )
The 3 Biggest wishes for an adult are :
1. able to EAT;
2. able to SLEEP;
3. able to LAUGH.
It requires life-long experiences & character maturity to appreciate them.
Having said that, even if you are already 60s , you still find it hard to fulfill these 3 wishes everyday.
If you are able to achieve 50% of it, you will be satisfied.
posted by : @,,,@ BL.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Update from Phang and Han
Due to Adrienne is having her final exam immediately after her break this year, so we are planning to visit malaysia sometime in June-July next year instead.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Francis NG in Town !

Beside the regular like Ah Yeo , LS and Mabel,

" which is the MOST EXPENSIVE item here ?? "
" No crab for me to-night ! My quota is uped ! "

KaiPeng with her daughter ( centre ) .....the one far right is not !

Both came from Same hometown,

East Main House-mate reunion !
Posted by : @,,,@ BL, OCT 2008.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Its Halloween !!!
See if you can recall the " fun filled but not so scary " party .......

This fello is easily identifiable .....
His dance partner ??????

the smiling face was ..... ?????
the " iron-man " was ..... ????
Obviously, Ah Gan lost her mask again !!!
The Texas cowboy was ...... ?????
Beauty & the Beast ????
I know the " Beast " but sorry...... can't recall who the Beauty was !
This one provide answer to the above !!
Finally, guess who was this freaky fello ????
Hint : He used to be very very havoc .....
but is now a VSSTS -- Very Serious Senior Technical Staff
with HP Singapore .
posted by : @,,,@ BL
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Season's Greeting.
Muslim Readers & Visitors of this blog........
" Selamat Hari Raya Puasa !!! "
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Mooncake + Pizza = ????

Same Year ...
Same time ....

Same Year.....

Look's familiar ???
Sounds familiar ???
Smells familiar ???
YES !!!
You are right !!!
This is the authentic Domino pizza, The Great Destroyer !!!
It was baked by our Ex-Domino Store Manager TauKay Sia with
Original ingredients directly imported from Lafayette, USA !!!
We had a last-minute Mid-Autumm Festival gathering .........
with lots of moon-cakes & Pizza !!!
TauKay Neo Ah Gan, busy setting up the table .....& food.
Of course...must take photo to certify that this posting is a true story........
Kalau tidak, nanti kena ASI baru tahu !!!
posted by : @,,,@ BL