See see....the yummy yummy Sausage Red Bean Rice !!
( Actually this is the SECOND time I eat this weired stuff.....the first time
was at USL's College Inn........ )
Our UNCLE posting with the " chiu-bo " .......
Tak boleh tahan alreadi !!!
Everybody just WACK & WACK !!!
" How come I only have 3 Red Beans ??? like tat where got schiok ???
Looks like eating....Sounds like eating.....but he is actually eating.......
the plastic !!
Aiya....ask her to open the eye big big....she goes and open the mouth !!
To be veri frank with you......
the WHITE RICE tastes the BEST !!!
UNCLE Lawrance : " Oh SHIT !!! this tissue paper got your "cendo " on it !! "
After the makan, we commenced the TALKCOCK session !!
We discussed abt our plan of getting a PhD in So-do-mee......
We laughed at ALL the funny yet Fond memories at USL.......
We read the USL year book and tried to identify the MIA .........
We oso talked abt who & who at where & where..........
OK....jus FYI.....this UNCLE is our "Adopted" Son-In-LAw......Mabel's hubby.
He was " married " into our Ex-USL family.
OUR Time is running " short " so.....betta take one more shot........
-----> by o,,,,,o UNCLE BL.
p/s : we dismissed around 1: 45AM............
& Taukay Sia alreadi sooooooooooooooooooooo
excitedlly " AIM " for the NEXT Cajun Makan........
NOT the next National Day on 2009........
the upcoming X'mas 2008 TURKEY-GUMBO MAKAN SESSION !!!
OMG >o< !!!
Seriously speaking.........
I think this Taukay Sia needs some councelling....
bcos he is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
obsessed with the CAJUN FOOD !!!
Having said tat....I think we all need councel too !!!