" LEE SAN is to go for Volleyball Olympic GOLD !!! &BL is aiming for GOLD in Trilethon : Swimming cum Cycling cum Running "
So said the rumous.In BolehLand, the rumours is almost certainly to be true !But it can only be half-truth in this Blog !
YES, we did go to Beijing .....but not for the Olympic gold !We visited Beijing in 2007, one year before Olympic, to avoid the expected buzzling jamand the xtremely terrible stringent security check, everywhere and anywhere , during this International event !It was reported lately that even barbers and cooking chefs are asked to be the security personnels !So again, the Chinese is to employ the " Ren Hai Zhan Zu --->the Human Sea War Tactic " to ensure " not a single drip of water is allowed to pass through " !!!

The Olympic Count-Down Tower......
Ending @ 08-08-08-08-08 !!!
# Year 2008, August 8, 8:08PM #

The main stadium ----> The BIRD'S NEST is still under construction then...

We were told that this Main Street in Beijing was bought over by
the Hong Kong Billionaire,Mr Lee Ka Sing. Then he
build Super High class Hotels, service apartments and
up market shopping malls to cater for the emerging Super rich Chinese
Taukays and cash rich exparts like Ah Koon ( GKT ).

We did some shopping also........
not from the jewellery shop but the one next door.....
Then we walked and visited this nearby ( abt 3 Km away ...)
Chinese Style Pasar Malam........with lots of wonderful & fancy food stalls.
Like this one....selling the famous Hong Kong Pee-Pee Beef meat balls......

& this stall serve the super crunchy fried spicy cockroach satay.......
Of course, like Indiana Jones.....you may take the challenge & try theseSuper Nice Scorpions !!!
& How can you miss this Super Yummy " Sea Star Campur Milipedes FriedStinky Bean cake " !!
The MUST-GO Tian-An-Ben Square.....

& The Forbidden City........
There are 3 main " holes " ( aka Gates / Entrances) in the Forbidden city..... The left gate is for " Wen Kuan " ( the academic staff ).
The Right gate is for the " Wu Kuan " ( the Military staff )
The Centre Gate is EXCLUSIVE for the Emperor only....
Of course, this is the "hole" where I entered the palace!!!
The long battled China Civil wars between MING and CHING Dynasty that killed millions .........is just to fight so that someone can sit on this
HUANG-WEI aka LONG-WEI ( Emperor's Dragon SEAT )...........
& that somebody can wear this one & only one fasionable HAT !!!
& friends, look.......this is the so called " Tong-Fan " ( the bedroom ) for the Emperor on his Majesty's wedding night.....
Damn..... it was So small & Squeezy......
I can't even put in my King size matress !!
This GOLDEN " Bowl " is to contain water in case there is fire breakout in the palace....
All the gold has been scrapped off by the 8-countries when they invaded Beizing during the Opium War.......Lee San was trying her luck....scratch & scratch.......
maybe can get some gold powder also good what !!

After watching the movie " Titanic ", Qian-Long decided to build this ALL-STONE-Ship that forever anchored to the jetty and will never sink !!!
this Stone-ship is built just for Qian-Long and Zhen Fei to have morning kopi together......so romantic yet so damn wasting people's money !!!!
This single-piece of long granite stone inside the palace was sculptured with 9 dragons and suns and moons to signify the greatness of the grand Emperor.
It's dimension are : Length : 17m, Width : 3m and Thickness : 1.7m.
It weights more than 200 tons.
It was transported from FAN-SAN, a western county about 800Km away from Beijing ( abt Singapore to Perlis ). During winter, the workers will dig the wells along the path and make ice so that this damn heavy granite can be dragged for some distance.
It took them 4 winters to transport this giant piece to Beijing.
The roof of the covered walk way of " E-He-Yuan " was fully decorated with 10001 patterns and colours........I wonder whether this Dowager Zhi-Xi ever look up and appreciate the art piece or not ????

This is the historic " Loo-Kuo-Bridge" whereby 700 Guo-Ming-Tang soldiers fought bravely against the invasion of the 200,000 Japanese troops.
All 700 were " slaughtered" . The 700 lions were erected to memorise their bravely sacrification & devotion to the country.
The amazing things here is each lion has a unique facial expression.
See..... almost look alike !!
This one with two babies.......
----> the holy place where the Emperor prays to the Gods of Heaven for good luck & sustainability & continuity to be the forever long-lived King
& " soon pien " do some blessing for the commonn folks.
Notice abt the round round thing on my foot ???
OK, this is the exact spot where the Emperor " communicate " with the GOD of Heaven and convey his Majesty's wish.
They said this spot is very the " Jun " ( ie very accurate one )....
so I have my wishes told to the God also...........
" Plse........ for Heaven sake.....let me strike the next TOTO !!! "
Great wall of China is just magnificiant & Amazing !!!
But trekking up really need a lot of strength, breadth and courage !!!

The one outside Beijing is said to be the " lowest " one.......
It cascaded upto SIX levels ........
& it is already killing us !!!!
I almost gave up @ fourth level !!!
The mini PUTERA palace ........the real one is in Tibet.

This branded 77th Shopping centre is owned by a Singapore rich lady...... Obviously, she is NOT the one in the picture !!!

Dog-also-Dun-care-bun !

another funny item.......Socks that never torn....even by Cats' claws !
and how can the shopping centre goes without US's California Beef Noodles !!
Earn some penny by doing some illegal part time job !
Eco-friendly 100cc three-wheel car.......fueled by cow-dunk !!!
The ever enterprising & popular " ALL-SURE-Guarantee-IMITATION "
goods " Xiu-Shui " complex has its rival & competitors now .......
Two more similar outlets have established itself within the vincinity.......
Ya-Show is one of these two outlets......
betta service
betta bargin
& betta grade of sure imitation !!!

The moment you walk into Ya-Show complex, , all the young Chinese sales girls will surround you....
greet you with thier best & sweetest smile......
some will grap your hand tight tight......neber let you go....
All of them will speak to you in slangeee Ink-ger-riss.....
They wanna to say it fast fast .....so they omitted the " from" !!
With direct Chinese translation, with " from" or not....it doesn't really make any difference.........does it ?????
O,,,,,,O ------> BL
p/s : for those who have not been to China ..... you may want to schedule to
be your next destination.....its recent development & modernisation can
really surprise you....WOW WOW WOW !!!!
but I also heard rumours said some of the kampong area is
still quite backward with houses plaster with
mud, rearing pigs inside the bedroom
& best of all.......
the old man has made ready a coffin in the hall !!!
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