This crazy but exciting event is celebrated every March in whole of Lousiana State.
It is just like The Carnival de Braziliana but in a smaller scale.
The Carnival de Braziliana comes with sexy sexy samba dancers and distribution of condoms !
In Louisiana, we have King, Queen & distribution of "jewelly" & "gold coins " !

@ Lafayette, the event normally falls on the first Sunday of March and is celebrated in down town Lafayette. On that afternoon, hundreds of residents of Lafayette will gather along the streets of down town to watch the whole line up of exciting programmes.....captivating parades....high energy marching bands....& the colourful floats with Kings & Queens "throwing" beads-of-rings and golden coins to his spectators !

The legend says that , the more beads-rings & golden coins you collected, the more luck will be betowed on you by the King & Queen.

On that believe, every one will yell & scream and jump for the rings & coins when His Majestic "fly" them all over the sky !!!
After the parade, the party starts....roads will be blocked and stage setup & live bands will start the hot & lively Rock & Roll musics......

The whole Lafayette community will then immerse in the high fever of ceremonial atmosphere & whole of down town will be transformed into the dance floor......
Budweiser & Lite beers are spilled everywhere & everybody will just dance or sit somewhere & have a good time !
Now, if this can not " excite " you, then you can drive 200 miles to
New Orleans where the REAL ACTION awaits you !
In New Orleans, the event is celebrated over three days....the last day being the wildest & the most crazy one !
So normally we went to New Orleans on the Third day
to " catch " the BEST !!
@ New Orleans, there are parades & floats every 2/3 hours and so plenty of chances to collect the beads-rings and golden coins & bring back
to USL tans of luck !
After 4pm, the procession will stop and thousands of tourist and locals will stroll along the city especially the Jackson Square, the French quarters and the nearby Bourbon Street......
@ the Jackson Square, you must go and visit this famous
" Hang-On-The-Wall " pasar malam style art gallery.

Remember this "budget" " A-Quater-An-Aweful-Face " service @ Bourbon Street ??

Notice the Balconies at the background ? That's where the " actions " are !!!

While strolling around, you will meet all kind of funny fello with 1001 kind of
fancy make-up !

& to stir up your mood & make it more exciting....I have personally saw quite a number of young & beautiful naked babes walking along the narrow Bourbon street !!! ( I wanted to take some snaps but was stopped by LS......what a waste !! )

When you are in New Orleans, if you dun visit Bourbon Street is just like you walk into a treasure island and come out empty handed !
Remember this "budget" " A-Quater-An-Aweful-Face " service @ Bourbon Street ??

This ever popular Bourbon Street is very unique and distinctive......
Along the narrow walkway, on one side, there are hundreds of pubs and cafe with live bands playing the ever nice nice Jazz music....
& just across the opposite ends, you will find yourself in an " ADULT " world....
all kinds of SEX SHOPS !!!
From magazines to "tools & equipment ", from brothels to whores.... anything related to name it, you got it here !
I remembered myself , LS & Low Hong Chong went into one " 1 Quater Peep All --XXX" shop with a lot of small small windows.... you put in one quater, the window will pull up a little and you'll see "some-thing"... to see "more" thing,you need another quater....& the "sweet" voice behind the wall will keep asking you to insert in more quaters & tempt you that you gonna see some "very nice" thing right now .....
So we 3 stoogers kept inserting the after another...& that "nice" thing revealled only a little bit by a little bit......
Allas...being the " amateur " , we spent almost US$8 and managed to see only her (maybe is a "his"... ) hand !!!
We three realised kena " ke-tuk " liao
&We cursed and sweared .....this Low Hong Chong even spitted on the window !!
The Highlite & the moment we all waiting for.........
Come around 10pm, thousands of people will flock to the French quaters and anticipating the " CLIMAX " to commence.
All French quaters come with a balcony and there will be ladies either standing or leaning againt the balcony, drinking & looking down at the down stairs crowds.

Then all the crazy & wild fello, both men & women, will start "chanting " to the balconies.......
" show your tits ! show your tits ! "
" show your tits ! show your tits ! "
Those ladies at the balconies will shut back,
" I cant hear you....come on.....louder louder ! "
Then the already half drunk crowd will scream back with all their breadth :

& this screaming and shouting will go on until when the clock strikes 12 midnight .....
The ladies at the balconies, now fully drunk & highly " charged "....
will start stripping ....
one by one ............
while the crowds yell & scream & cheers to top of their voice !!!
the louder the cheer,
the faster they strip.......

& this drives the crowds to reach their highest peak of climax of craziness !!!!
Whoooooooops !!!!
that sounds hell lot of exciting FUN, isnt it ????
& You know what ??
I really really miss this
>= < : -- O BL
Footnote 1 :
Lafayette, Louisiana is home to the state's third largest Mardi Gras celebration, which includes eight parades of floats and
bands during the Carnival season. The first parade, ten days before Mardi Gras, is the celebrity-led Krewe of Carnivale en Rio
Parada, featuring over 600 riders. Parade royalty on Fat Tuesday includes King Gabriel and Queen Evangeline, named for the
hero and heroine of Longfellow's epic poem, and King Toussaint L'Overture and Queen Suzanne Simonet, named for the great
Haitian historical figures. Mardi Gras parades have been an annual tradition in Lafayette since 1934 and attendance on Mardi
Gras day has been estimated as high as 250,000 by police spokespersons. The first formal Mardi Gras ball and parade in
Lafayette dates back to 1869 and they haven't stopped celebrating Fat Tuesday here since. In 1897, King Attakapas, the first
Lafayette Mardi Gras king was crowned. He rode into town on a Southern Pacific train decorated to look like a royal throne and
led the parade. After 1897, formal Mardi Gras parades and balls seemed to come and go until 1934 when the Southwest
Louisiana Mardi Gras association was formed by representatives from civic and service organizations to ensure that Lafayette
would always have a Mardi Gras celebration.
bands during the Carnival season. The first parade, ten days before Mardi Gras, is the celebrity-led Krewe of Carnivale en Rio
Parada, featuring over 600 riders. Parade royalty on Fat Tuesday includes King Gabriel and Queen Evangeline, named for the
hero and heroine of Longfellow's epic poem, and King Toussaint L'Overture and Queen Suzanne Simonet, named for the great
Haitian historical figures. Mardi Gras parades have been an annual tradition in Lafayette since 1934 and attendance on Mardi
Gras day has been estimated as high as 250,000 by police spokespersons. The first formal Mardi Gras ball and parade in
Lafayette dates back to 1869 and they haven't stopped celebrating Fat Tuesday here since. In 1897, King Attakapas, the first
Lafayette Mardi Gras king was crowned. He rode into town on a Southern Pacific train decorated to look like a royal throne and
led the parade. After 1897, formal Mardi Gras parades and balls seemed to come and go until 1934 when the Southwest
Louisiana Mardi Gras association was formed by representatives from civic and service organizations to ensure that Lafayette
would always have a Mardi Gras celebration.
Footnote 2 :
"Mardi Gras" (French for Fat Tuesday) is the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is the final day of Carnival, the three day
period preceding the beginning of Lent, the Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday immediately before Ash Wednesday (some
traditions count Carnival as the entire period of time between Epiphany or Twelfth Night and Ash Wednesday).[1] The entire
three day period has now come to be known in many areas as Mardi Gras.[2] Perhaps the cities most famous for their Mardi
Gras celebrations include New Orleans, Louisiana; Mobile, Alabama and Sydney, Australia. Many other places have important
Fat Tuesday celebrations as well. Carnival is an important celebration in most of Europe, except in the United Kingdom where
pancakes are the tradition, and also in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.
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