It was taken before Carina strikes in 2006 !!
So it was 26 years ago !!!
That simply means
these 6 then beautiful xiao-new are
probably ALL OLD-NEW NOW !!!
How times flash !!!
p/s (1) : I really missed Leong Bee Eng, my Kluang Town mate & Sec school-mate....
She got married to this Boy's Dorm's Yap Sam Choon & I heard rumors say
that their second son is a heavy metal Rock Star.....
Anyone can update this info ??
Anyone can provide her contact ??
p/s (2) : Of course, I would also never forget Bee Eng's good old buddy .... the one that like
to count everything ....including donuts & pancakes !!
Talking about Pancake. The place we went called International House of Pancake. Now called IHOP!
I think after that incident, they no longer want to sell 10 pancake in a plate.
BL-ingam :
bloody shit...you still can remember so clearly !!!
You are not that old after all !
but I think that incident happened bcos the busy waitress
"accidentally" put 11 in your plate and 9 on her's !!!
BL-ingam :
You should have count the number in your plate and kindly "return" the one extra to her....
then no big fuss lor...
so afterall, you are the real culprit !
:---) !!
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