Back then ( 1981 - 1984 ), when we travel, we were so impressed by the US high way....eg I-10 ( bcos in those years, Malaysia still have not construct the N-S highway yet.) ..............
especially the "rest area" ( ie tempat berhentian ). These so called "rest area " are trully well equipped.....comes with toilet, detergent, table & chairs.......and even the provision of power points for shaver & dryer !
We certainly love these "rest areas" a lot bcos they served as our "budget" Rest-aurants !!!
East Mainners normally work 24X7 during the first 6 weeks of summer holiday...and with the
hard-earned money saved, we will spend them all on travelling during the last 2 weeks of summer.
To maximise the ultilization of our hard-earned money, most of the time, we will opte for
"budget travelling ".......we will cooked & eat at the Rest-aurants on every meal !!
With the power points provided at these rest areas, what we need is to bring along our "barang" "barang"....rice cooker la, kettle la, cooking utensiles la, wok la, chopping board la, & even cups & plates !
& normally, we will cook simple & light meals like baked beans , luncheon meat & sardins so as not to "over-load" these power points and causing fires at these "Rest-aurants" along I-10 !!
I remember there was this time that we are going to Washington, so Ah-Mike & myself were asked to buy the food stuff....
So we went grocery and bought abt 3 dozens cans of sardin at Albertson............
at the check out counter, the fatso lady got a rude shock when she saw us carry so many cans of sardins......
after a while, she then seems to realise something and she said to us :
" oh yeah......you vietnamese do like to keep a lot of cats....certainly you need a lot of sardins to feed them ! "
$@*&&^%$+))(***&&&^^%% !!!!!!
I rest my case.
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