We had a small scale Cajun food festival in Singapore yesterday night ( 17 May 2008 ).
Can anyone from USL/ULL still remember the ever popular cajun seasoning spice call ?
so to make fun & nick-named him and to make the spice easy to remember, so we East-mainners used to call this seasoning stuff " TONY TALKS !!! "

Scramble Yeo wasn't in ....not too sure where he "blur" to.......
With courtesy of Taukay Sia & Taukay Soh ah Gan who kindly "donated" the genuine
cajun ingredients which they bought from Lafayette during their recent visit to USA,
We "managed" to successfully prepared the followig :
1. Seafood gambo cajun style
2. Jambolaya &
3. Etauffe

Yes...... it is called " TONY TALKS !!! "
Its actual name is " TONY'S CHACHERES XXX " but we used to have a talkative yet very cunning middle-east classmate whose name was TONY ......
so to make fun & nick-named him and to make the spice easy to remember, so we East-mainners used to call this seasoning stuff " TONY TALKS !!! "
This TONY TALKS is a very unique, nice frangrance spice, one of its kind that you can not find elsewhere but in Louisiana state only.

So as usual, our Taukay Sia will address us by saying a prayer of " East Main Constitution section 153" which states that " Jit Lan Jit Pua, Kam Cheng Buay Sua. Jit Lan Jit Suku,kam Cheng Jia eh Ku (which simply means each one half half, love will flourish...each one one quater, love can last long long ) " that kind of bull-shit......

followed by popmally officiate the "makan" session !

Scramble Yeo wasn't in ....not too sure where he "blur" to.......

All of us have missed the Cajun food for over 25 years ! so within "split" second...

p/s : this cajun dinner served as our first "rehearsal" to our upcoming grand
" USL East Main Reunion Party 2009" to be held X'mas Eve 2009.........
Check it out @ USLEASTMAIN.BLOGSPOT.COM. for more detail.
Die Die must come okay !!!!
Our first rehearse of our USL East Main Reunion Party 2009 at my house was very sucessful. I am looking forward to the second rehearse at Bl place. We should try a little bigger scale. Maybe more people can be invited cos LS can cook better than Gan.
List of name you can consider:-
Han,Chiu,Yeo,and the rest who visited our blog...
You can book the whole swimming pool area...
BL :
No problem....
as long as the
1. the swimming pool is still availabel bcos I heard rumours said that the management is considering to upsize it to a
olympic pool !
2. the supply of cajun ingredients are available....need to reserve a portion for the reunion otherwise need to DHL from "Albertson".
3. all are welcome....!
Msn With Phang Poy Leong from Dallas today, instructed him to go around whole Dallas to look for Tony Talk spice for BL. If we need it urgently, I will ask him to FedEX to me. He will accept Major credit card like AmEX, Visa, Master Card. SO not need to reserve for next year Reunion. We will have our 2nd rehearsal soon.
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