1. Stevenson Lim.
He was the Boy's dorm Student Manager and he gave the first " lecture " to me immediately after my check-in to the dorm. He told me : " U are now in USA and to fully immerse into the American culture and fully integrated into the US society........ I have made u an arrangement......
I have arranged an OR-LANG as your room-mate ! "
Of course I accepted his " kind "offer of help..... but I quitted a day later bcos the dorm's bath room was on a common sharing basis and I really ashamed of my " size " after my first bathing experience with my room-mate Or-Lang !
2. Tony Lim.
Tony then was like Johnny Depp's " Pirates of Caribbean "'s Captain Sparrow.....anyhow dressed and had a front blacked tooth slightly " seng-get" one side.....but he always look smart & very savvy !
I first met him in front of Engineering Building....beside the iconic transistor structure with 5 legs ( FYI, all transistors are only 3 legged ! ).
" hi dude...u must be the freshman that passed all the advanced placement exams and got into Sophomor guy.....me name Tony from Penang and I am your EE SENIOR....graduating this Fall....come, let me give u my advice of success ! " so he said.
I really appreciate his help & of course, I accepted all his " secrets to success ".
Later, I was a bit puzzled bcos this Tony SENIOR also attended the Sophomor classes.....
At first I thought he was just sit-in so as to guide me ....
then one day, this DR GOLD of Fundamental Electrical Machine Professor asked Tony a question and Tony can not answer and the Professor said " hey Tony, u have been in this class for the past 3 semesters, how come still dun know ?? "
Then I started to learn a bit more abt this Tony SENIOR......
In 1981, Tony was the President of MSISA : Malaysian-Singapore International Students Association.
He really take care of all 1982 Freshmen that fly in from Malaysia or Singapore......
He asked alll the MSISA member who has car to ferry all freshmen from the Lafayette airport and Tony will be there to personally greet the new comers.
He put up his best smile and introduced himself " hi dude....me Tony from Penang...I am the EE SENIOR and graduating this semester ! " then without fail, he will hand out a piece of nicely printed paper that carry the wordings " VOTE FOR CHANGE ! VOTE FOR TONY LIM ! ! "
Anyway, Tony failed to secure 2025 popular votes, and he was out from 1982 MSISA nomination !
In the 80's, USL has a student population of abt 12,000.
Tony was then the SENIOR and he therefore seldom heel others.
However, Tony publicly declared and acknowledged that he only look upon & pay respect to THREE USL students :
1. Miss XXX from Sugai Petani, Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia.
This Miss XXX was a big eyed Pretty young thing ( PYT ) that spoke with a deep ang-moh slang. She owned a Malaysian Tek-Kwan-Do Federation Black Belt Second "Dent" title !
She once demonstrated how powerful & death-killing stunt by doing a "3 metre Back Slash Flying Kick" over our famous blogger, Taukay Sia's head !!!
However, She managed to " fly" for only 1.5 meter & almost missed ! ( very lucky she did not miss...else no more this blog liao !! )
Why then this Tony pays this Miss XXX such a high respect ?
not bcos of her flying kick .....
not bcos of her ang-moh slang ....
bcos this dirty old SENIOR is trying to woo her !!!
When Miss XXX joined USL in Spring 1982, we started to observed that this Tony started to " in in out out " with her.... advised her the secrets of success in EE and of course at the same time, very helperfully carry her big & heavy shopping bags !
Tony even moved out from Boys' dorm and rented a 2-rooms at Richarf Dorm when Miss XXX's sister also joined USL in Fall 1983........he offered " FREE " room services to these PYT sisters !
( Gao-chow ! the Chinese call this tactic " if close to the window then can get the moon faster ! " )
I dun know what's the outcome of their courtship bcos I graduated in Fall 1984 and left USL in December while Tony SENIOR continue to "stay" back to do his long-termed PhD.
Little Note :
Miss XXX was back to Malaysia in 1985 and first joined IBM as with East Main's little mouse SL....she then jump-hopped to Tandem Computers and one year later, she was named to the Board of Directors of the Company. This was my last known facts abt Miss XXX.
Anyone else can provide further updates ??
So then
who were the other two fello that our Tony SENIOR highly regarded ??
Well, when Tony SENIOR moved to Richard Dorm with his PYTs, it was a well known & highly
publicized event. Every one in USL knows abt his "Guest posting" at his room.
His Dormitory door has a big sign board that carries the following message :
1. The Acadiana police
2. The fireman
3. DHL postmaster
Thank you Mr Tony, my dear EE SENIOR, for granting me such a prestigeous & High Honour !
p/s : Mr Tony Lim, my dear EE SENIOR, if you happen to visit this blog and read this posting,
plse plse remember to email me.......I would very much like to catch-up with you and need
your valuable advice of how to apply for the Super Duper PhD programme in USL.
Dun Forget, OK ?? !!
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